Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Here is just a random picture I took.
Here is some poetry.->
A rainbow,
of colors,
of hope.

A stream,
of drops,
of tears.

A mountain,
of rocks,
of dreams.

A house,
of bricks,
of love.
-KC 12/12/08

The cloud feels soft against my skin,
it folds around me,
as I sit,
I look down on the world.
It seems so peaceful from up here.
-KC 2/6/09
In the real world I quit the camp that I was working at because I was tired of not getting paid while people that were goofing off were getting paid.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Fellow Kasey,

    I noticed you haven't posted in over a year. Would you consider moving or deleting your blog so I can have the URL? It would mean a lot to me to use this one. Please let me know. Thanks!

    Respectfully Yours,
    Kasey H.
