Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I am here.

Don't worry I haven't dropped of the face of the Earth. I have just been really really busy. What with school starting and my brothers' Bar Mitzvah coming up. I will get more poetry up on here soon. Soon, I really will try.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Here is just a random picture I took.
Here is some poetry.->
A rainbow,
of colors,
of hope.

A stream,
of drops,
of tears.

A mountain,
of rocks,
of dreams.

A house,
of bricks,
of love.
-KC 12/12/08

The cloud feels soft against my skin,
it folds around me,
as I sit,
I look down on the world.
It seems so peaceful from up here.
-KC 2/6/09
In the real world I quit the camp that I was working at because I was tired of not getting paid while people that were goofing off were getting paid.

Friday, August 7, 2009

I'm back..

from an amazing week at the beach. I had so much fun. We had a huge house and a pool nearby. We got back on friday. Then after we got back I finally cleaned out my locker. Yay! I have a Girl Scout planning meeting today. It is to plan my Silver project. A Silver project is a project that a Cadet Girl Scout works on. It is the highest award that a Cadet can receive. My Girl Scout leader wants me to finish before school starts on the 27th. I hope I can. I lost one of the booklets that I am required to finish before I can start my actual project. I'd better finish this post so I can get ready for my meeting!

Sunday, August 2, 2009


I'm so excited! I'm leaving for Bethany Beach today! I spend a few days in a beach house with all of my cousins at a beach house. It is always so much fun! So I guess there won't be any new posts for a week.

Monday, July 27, 2009


I have a really bad headache. It is from my Gardasil shot. If you couldn't guess I went to the doctor today for my annual check up. I still haven't reached five feet yet, and my younger brother is a quarter inch taller than me. Yay. I am missing the camp sleepover because of my headache. My campers are very sad. Well, so am I. I really need to go to bed to get rid of this headache so, g' night!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

the carder bit me!

My mom spins her own wool and then knits it into sweaters, socks, and the like. The machine used to prepare wool for spinning is called a 'carder'. It has sharp metal teeth and it hurts when they cut you. I found that out the hard way. My brother and I were helping my mom prepare some wool and I accidentally poked myself on it. IT STINGS! OWIE!!
here is a picture of me and my brother carding wool:
well a picture would be there if blogger would let me load my pictures!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


My campers are on a trip to Hershey Park today, so I am free!! I didn't go because I hate roller coasters (I know I'm weird but you are too). I'm hanging out at home and then heading out to White Flint mall with my dad and younger brother. They are going to see the last 45 minutes of the new Harry Potter movie. They are only going to see the last part because they already saw most of it. They didn't see the end because the film caught on fire. I didn't even know that they still USE film. It makes me feel like we are living in the time of the dinosaurs. With black-and-white TV and popcorn that needs to be made on the stove. I'm going to go air the laundry (see I sound so ancient!).

Monday, July 20, 2009

pictures I took


I am bleah because I have come dome down with some virus. This viruses' symptoms include back aches, dizziness, nausea, and fatigue. In short I am having a whole lot of fun today. I came home early from work today since I didn't feel good. Apparently, I've been promoted to JC (Junior Counselor) of the Art Program. I'm not technically supposed to be called a JC so I may see if I can get paid for all the hard work that I am doing. I'm going to go rest.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

bye-bye and hello

Bye-bye to my great-aunt who was visiting today and asked me to write some more basic poetry on my blog. Here is some poetry for you aunt Hedy:
Roses are red,
violets are blue,
you said I smell,
but boy do you too.

Now for some real poetry;
The Tear
It falls, falls, falls,
off her nose,
down. down, down.
You hurt her,
badly, badly, badly.
You don't care, care,care.
You're the reason.
The reason for her tears.
-Kasey 9/25/07
Here is a hello to my dad and brothers who returned from Boy Scout Camp today, overtired but happy to be home.


Thursday, July 16, 2009

More poetry!

A feeling,
It burns inside of you,
scorching and burning your hopeful feelings,
until all that is left,
is an empty shell.
-Kasey 7/16/09

As Tall as a Mountain
I stand,
as tall as a mountain,
I breathe in slowly,
bringing in goodness and happiness,
I breathe out,
breathing out all the badness inside of me,
I stand,
thinking hard,
thinking about my life,
thinking about all the things that I've done,
thinking about the things that I haven't done,
I stand,
resting from my work,
resting from my life,
resting from the world,
I stand,
feeling as tall as a mountain.
-Kasey 12/17/08

A heart is a heart,
All beat the same,
but for some unknown reason,
mine only beat your name.

Do you think that's enough for now?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


The camp that I am working went to Six Flags today and I got sunburned. It HURTS (in case you didn't know that sunburn hurts). I burned my face (pretty much all of it) and part of my neck. I bought some yummy peanut butter m&ms. They were SO good. I LOVE PEANUT BUTTER AND CHOCOLATE!!!!! I am so excited! Tomorrow my grandmother and I are going to see the 6th Harry Potter movie! One of my friends brothers saw it and said that it was really cool! I can't wait. Just because I have nothing else to write about I am going to write out some of my poetry. Here goes nothing;

The Reflection
A little drop,
A little reflection,
A little me,
sitting in the drop,
The me inside the drop falls,
It falls from the gutter,
and splats onto the ground.
I think:
"Am I really that fragile?"
"No silly, that's only your reflection!"

Courage is the strength of a lion,
found deep inside its' heart.
Yet now I hide like a snake,
kicked out of its' home.

I'd fly as fast as a sparrow
to a safe haven where all were equal.
Yet when the destroy my holy things
and desecrate my temple
like raging beasts,
I in turn would feel that rage.

My books take flight,
the letters off the pages,
to the heavens above.

Then the beasts,
force me to taste their rancid meat.
They said to destroy us,
for we aren't worthy.

As they ripped out my spirit,
screaming in pain from their impurity,
Fear came out its' shell,
engulfing me.

I sat quietly,
imagining the ways
I'd stop their tidal waves,
of destruction,
and unholiness.

But i sit still,
consumed with fear.
Their numbers,
like the bugs on the earth.
Full of despair,
but the light,
from the eight candles,
fly towards me,
like a white dove.

They hate us,
because we have the light,
and they have the dark,
and force it upon us.
-Kasey 12/9/08
See ya!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

no place like home

... when 4 out of 6 of my siblings and my dad aren't home. It is so quiet in here! (relatively) my older sister is at my grandparents house working for the library near their house. My dad and my two younger brothers are out camping at boyscout camp in PA. I miss all of them tons. My baby sister (she's two years old and really cute) and my youngest younger brother (who's four and sort of a pain in the you-know-what) are making up for most of the noise. Either by throwing a fit, singing the alphabet, or having my mom read them a book. my mom is really cool. I can talk to her about anything (and by anything i mean anything). She really understands me. That doesn't mean we never get into arguments. We do. I'm not a perfect person and sorry mom, but neither is she. I love ya anyway mom. Today was such a crazy day. (i know that's random but if you are going to be reading my blog you had better get used to it. I like to talk, and I like to be random). The camp that I am working at went to lake Needwood to go boating. Now imagine this; 20 kids and 10 counselors going boating in paddle boats. I had to help pedal 2 kids and 1 adult around a lake. My legs hurt just thinking about it. I gotta go help out with my siblings, good night!