Tuesday, July 14, 2009

no place like home

... when 4 out of 6 of my siblings and my dad aren't home. It is so quiet in here! (relatively) my older sister is at my grandparents house working for the library near their house. My dad and my two younger brothers are out camping at boyscout camp in PA. I miss all of them tons. My baby sister (she's two years old and really cute) and my youngest younger brother (who's four and sort of a pain in the you-know-what) are making up for most of the noise. Either by throwing a fit, singing the alphabet, or having my mom read them a book. my mom is really cool. I can talk to her about anything (and by anything i mean anything). She really understands me. That doesn't mean we never get into arguments. We do. I'm not a perfect person and sorry mom, but neither is she. I love ya anyway mom. Today was such a crazy day. (i know that's random but if you are going to be reading my blog you had better get used to it. I like to talk, and I like to be random). The camp that I am working at went to lake Needwood to go boating. Now imagine this; 20 kids and 10 counselors going boating in paddle boats. I had to help pedal 2 kids and 1 adult around a lake. My legs hurt just thinking about it. I gotta go help out with my siblings, good night!

1 comment:

  1. Tooooo cute. So how's the economy doing? I can do random too, see?
